Protect your high value domain names with registry lock?

Hijak prevention.

Prevent domain hijacking and loss of valuable domain names.

Better customer saftey.

Provide value to your customers with this extra safety feature that protects them at the registry level.

Covers your common domain names.

Experience the most extensive list of Registry Lock TLD coverage in the industry.

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Registry Lock is a high-level security feature.

Enabling Registry Lock does not allow any attempt of domain configuration unless a multi-factor authentication process has been completed. Only Domainking employees acting on your instruction, and authorized by the registry, are allowed to update domains with a Registry Lock. It’s the white glove service you want, at a rate that allows you to be highly competitive in the market.


Frequently Asked Questions

Domain hijacking (aka domain theft) involves changing the registration of a domain name without the permission of its original registrant. This can sometimes involve illegally accessing and modifying domain name details, like owner data, nameservers on domain hosting, registrar platforms, or repointing the domain name to divert to a different website. Also, if full access to a domain name is possible and the authorization code can be retrieved, the domain can be transferred away, ultimately leading to the entire loss of the domain. Hijacked domain names are used for phishing, diversion of revenue, extortion, and other criminal activity.
A Registry Lock is a security mechanism designed to prevent accidental or malicious changes to a domain name record, like changing domain owner details, changing nameservers, or transferring the domain. A Registry Lock is applied by the registry operator of the Top Level Domain (TLD) and prevents any changes to the domain name unless suitable authentication data is presented by pre-authorized individuals from the registrar.
Because a Registry Lock is applied directly at the registry, it renders illegal or inadvertent changes to a domain name at the hosting or registrar level ineffective. The registry will refuse to implement any change requests unless a second set of authentication data is provided confirming that a change request has come from a legitimate and authenticated source. This level of security is highly valuable for protecting you and your customers’ domains.
We recommend that all important domain names get locked whenever possible. A strategic domain name typically points to the main brand website—a site which holds customer data or points to an e-commerce website. The hijacking of a strategic domain will have at least one of the following effects
  • Loss of trust in brand or reputation damage
  • Breach of data protection laws
  • Loss of revenue
  • A phishing attack targeted at employees or clients
A Registry Lock uses multi-factor authentication to provide an additional level of verification before any changes to a domain name are authorized at the registry. While the overriding principle is the same for every top level domain, Registry Lock mechanisms are proprietary to each registry operator and different methods of authentication are used.

In working with CentralNic Reseller, we ensure your domains are locked to match the specific requirements of each registry.

  • Domain modification (owner, nameserver)
  • Domain transfer
  • Domain deletion
No, a Registry Lock is independent of the registration length or the expiry of a domain name―it can be applied for a short period of time or for the duration of the domain name registration. Domains set with Registry Lock also ensure automatic renewals preventing unwanted domain expiration.